Saturday, May 2, 2009


A few little paintings I've done in the past few weeks.

Friday, March 13, 2009

life drawing and hilarious ideas

If life drawing has taught me anything, it is that I am the most impatient person I know.
I def have to slow down when i go and think about the lines i'm putting down.
I hadn't been in almost a year. I used a crow quill for the first time if you cant tell.

also this is what kelcie and I are going to be for halloween. Its that or Jack Black and KG.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


If you are ever cooking pork chops and you decide to leave the back door open to let the smoke out of your unventilated apartment for five your cat. My cat Inspector disappeared for a week and let me tell yah, getting him back was not an easy job.
Luckily he decided not eating for a week sucked his non existent balls
and came crawling back for food a few days ago.
Despite my undying fear of becoming a leathery skinned, medical marijuana smoking cat lady, here are a few quick sketches.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Cripple Con 2

Len Hernandez ala the puppies, Fuzz and Ruby

So Cripple Con came and went, (literally) and we all got to know each other well beyond what was expected. Well, well, well, well, well beyond what was expected. CC2 was a weekend full of borracheras y borrachos and lots of fun times as I'm sure Que Padre would put it. In the midst of all of the debauchery, here is what I managed to draw.

Sam Gorrie ala Dragon Hoodie

Tawnya Hudnell and Dave Walz ala cute
Jeremy Stock ala my funny Valentine

The Texas boys ala Urban Cowboy (L to R) Chris Singleton, Kev Jackson and Pat Martinez

Saturday, December 27, 2008

I love Christmas. And so does Launch Syndicate. Celebrate the new year by buying stuff from us. You know you wanna.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Livin in Sin

For those that know Beau and Katie, they recently had a living in sin party. Which was hilarious. This was my contribution... albeit I brought it to their house the next day after the party because I was too lame to get it done the day of. And then we watched the Day the Earth Stood Still and it sucked balls. Enjoi!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Life Drawing

This girl had a weird face and a big ass. The end.
Also I'm trying out the chartpak markers and I really like them.
The first marker drawing on the left looks like chicken wing arms.